1 Dec 2012

[Captains Blog] Day 5 22N 22W

The sun is shining and we have good winds for sailing. The washing machine effect of the swell continues unabated, but I guess this is something we will just have to adjust to while ever the winds are behind us. We are bowling along at a steady 7 knots which feels good. 

Phil has improved considerably over the past 24 hours and appears to be over his sea sickness. He is eating normally, albeit slowly, drinking lots of water and getting more involved in the daily activities too. We won't let him cook for a while yet as we don't want to swet him back at all. His time will come towards the end of the passage. 

Debra has been a stalwart - organising the boat, feeding the crew, and generally being a busy bee. She is an invaluable member of the crew who has pulled more than her weight. She has a tendency to bump into things, and yesterday even managed a forward roll in the saloon when a wave hit us and threw us sideways when she was sweeping the floor. Plenty of bruises mark these events on her arms and legs. 

Ed seems to be enjoying himself too. Especially as we have clear skies today and the sextant has been aired taking some sun-run-sun sights this morning and hopefully a noon sight and even some stars tonight. 

We (Phil and I) saw 2 pilot whales at sundown last night. We called to Ed and Debra to come and see them, but Ed was sleeping and Debra busy in the galley, so they missed out. Maybe next time.