We had a super sail down from Bequia on Sunday, one of the rare days this season where the wind was a good speed from the right direction, and the sea state pleasant. It all rather supports my theory that the last few days of an activity holiday are always good, whether sailing, skiing, hiking, whatever .... just so you'll come back again!
Tobago Cays is a group of three very small islands surrounded by a coral reef. Whilst offering no protection from the trade winds, the sea is a beautiful turquoise and crystal clear with turtles swimming around the yacht. It's the most like the Bahamas we've seen outside the Bahamas! I'm sure French Polynesia will rival it though ....

Yesterday we donned our masks and snorkels to explore the reef .... spectacular. Whilst the corals themselves weren't as attractive as at Les Saintes, the size and variety of fish was incredible ... pufferfish, parrotfish, blue tang (surgeonfish), various jacks, angelfish, zebra fish .... the list was endless. There was however quite a strong current so after a time I returned to the dinghy and Paul continued to drift dive between the coral heads and I picked him up downwind some time later. He's always told me it's like swimming in an aquarium: I can see why he says that now. We'll go for another snorkel at slack water this morning and then head off to Petit Saint Vincent for tonight.