4 Aug 2019

4/8/2019: Cape Hillsborough National Park, Queensland

We were up very early this morning (4.30am!!) to travel up to Cape Hillsboro about 50km north of Mackay. The reason? To see the wallabies and kangaroos that come down onto the beach at dawn to eat the mango shoots washed in on the tide. Sadly for us no kangaroos put in an appearance but the wallabies put on a great show with their play-boxing and hopping around.

Nicky and Peter off Chanto (who sailed directly to Brisbane rather than Mackay) flew up to join us all on the trip and for the farewell awards dinner this evening. It was fun to be together again and after returning from the trip we enjoyed a boozy lunch on board Tumi. The awards dinner was a fitting farewell for the four boats leaving the rally in Mackay, ourselves included, with lots of good wishes and talk of reunions. It was also a celebration of us all crossing the Pacific, not an achievement to be taken lightly. As one fellow participant said, 'we are all not just quite but utterly exceptional people'. I don't know about that but it is certainly the biggest achievement of our lives and one that we will probably never top!

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