24 Feb 2019

24 February 2019: San Cristobal, Galapagos

It's proving hard to keep up to date with blog posts … a combination of so many interesting and new things and crappy internet, both WiFi and via a local data package but we'll keep persevering!

We went on the hunt of marine iguanas today at Punta Liberio on the south-eastern corner of San Cristobal. And we found quite a few of them relaxing between the black volcanic boulders. Ugly critters, about a metre long. They have adapted to graze on algae in the sea and snort to expel salt through their noses. And there we thought they had colds!!

The coastline is starkly beautiful, black rocks in the main with pristine white sand beaches in-between, all backed by dry forest habitat (scrub and cactus) and the ocean on the other side. We ventured into the sea off one beach to go snorkelling … so many varieties of fish, some as long as 40cms or more. It was pretty good visibility and Paul took some amazing video footage but it's a bit big to upload until we can find decent WiFi. The highlight was happening upon a giant Tuttle resting on the sea-bed, probably 1.5 metres long. He wasn't at all perturbed as we swam by him, just carried on grazing.

We're heading to Isabella overnight tonight, apparently the jewel in Galapagos’ crown. It's looking like it will be another motorsail, hey ho, we're still in the doldrums!

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