5 May 2011

[Captains Blog] The Admiral's Inn, English Harbour, Antigua

It's been an interesting week, the buzz that we experienced here during race week has competely disapperaed, along with many of the boats. It has rapidly turned into a ghost town. The season is over, and sailors are departing in their droves. We experienced something similar a few years ago when sailing our own boat, Four Jays into Salcombe at the end of September. We had sailed there the week before, and the whole place was heaving with tourists and sailors, then suddenly one week later, everywhere was closed up, the water taxis were no longer running and that was it until the following spring.

Here it is similar. All repairs are being carried out to make boats seaworthy prior to setting sail for the UK or Europe. We have been doing our own maintenance in preparation for haul out and lay-up. Not much difference, except we will get back to the UK a lot quicker by air! 

This will be the final entry in the Captain's Blog for this season - nothing of any interest to report on now! Thanks to all who have followed our adventure and helped make it the pleasure it has been. We have, in the words of Mr Spock "boldly gone where we have never been before" and hope you have enjoyed reading about it over the last six months.

Captain Peewit signing off, for now at least.